17 Quick and Simple Snow Cream Recipes

One of my favorite things to do is to make snow cream on days when it snows! Check out these different ways to make this fun treat.

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1. Easy Snow Ice Cream

Well, when life gives you snow, I think it’s a must that you at least make one batch of snow ice cream. đź™‚  Especially if you’re a kid.  And especially if you’re an adult.  (Hey, there’s gotta be some reward for shoveling that driveway!)

From: GimmeSomeOven

2. Flavored Snow Ice Cream

Growing up in Texas, it only snowed with any accumulation twice in my whole life… the month I was born and when I was 3.  Now, living in New England, I love experiencing winter with my kids because I feel like a kid myself – sledding, building snowmen, making snow angels – all things I never got to do as a kid with Texas winters.  And last week, the girls and I made snow ice cream!

From: APlaygroundParkBench

3. Strawberry Snow Ice Cream

Making strawberry snow ice cream is incredibly simple & requires just 3 ingredients.

From: JulieBlanner

4. 5 Flavors of Snow Cream

Got a snow day?  Use these flavor ideas and steps for how to make Snow Cream to add a creamy and delicious snow treat to your snowy day plans!

From: TheKitchenIsMyPlayground

5. Cake Batter Snow Ice Cream

Cake Batter Snow Ice Cream recipe, an easy snow ice cream with cake flavored vodka. An adult dessert recipe that is quick to make.

From: SnappyGourmet

6. Easy Snow Cream

This recipe is so easy, and my kiddos love foraging for the snow to make this delicious treat. The only rule is “clean snow.”

From: MommysMemorandum

7. Snow Ice Cream

This recipe is so stinking easy that if you blink, you might just miss it! Pay really close attention…you don’t want to miss this one!

From: KayleeEylander

8. Two Ingredient Snow Cream

This easy two ingredient recipe is perfect for your next snow day! And my technique will get you the creamiest, most ice-cream-like snow cream you’ve ever made, guaranteed.

From: SomethingSwanky

9. Maple Snow Cream

There is just something magical about the combination of real Maple Syrup (from Vermont) and vanilla.

From: BlueRidgeMountainLife

10. Southern Snow Cream

From: LuckySamples

11. Snow Ice Cream

Since my kids love doing anything related to the snow we ventured out to attempt our first try at a Snow Ice Cream Recipe.

From: RealAdviceGal

12. Civil War Era Snow Cream

This is one of those recipes that sounds like it’s “modern but marketed as Old Timey” but it is actually a historical recipe dating back at least to the 17th century.

From: WorldTurndUpsideDown

13. Snow Cream

It snowed on the farm so we made snow cream!

From: ChloesBlog

14. Snow Cream with Chocolate Chips

Who doesn;’t love this creamy, white goodness known as snow cream?

From: FoodieChicksRule

15. Best Snow Cream

I never had my mom write down how she made the Snow Cream but I have tried many different snow cream recipes and I think I have for the best snow cream recipe that is the closest to what she would make.

From: PursuingHospitality

16. 2 Ingredient Snow Cream (Sugar Free)

This tutorial showing How To Make Snow Cream with 2 Ingredients is a game changer…your kids are going to love it as much as ice cream!

From: Mom4Real

17. Old-Fashioned Snow Cream

A treat from days gone by, snow cream is a wonderful, easy frozen classic that falls out of the sky!

From: SavingDessert

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