Understanding Victorian Design: What is the Victorian Style?

Thinking of having a Victorian-style décor? Do you know what is Victorian design? Without a doubt, Victorian style is one of the most popular interior design. For many years, it has captured our hearts. What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you think Victorian style? Dollhouse-like house. However, it is more than that; it includes distinctive and multiple variations.

If you want to know about Victorian style in detail, you are in the right place. In this post, we have talked about Victorian design. Continue reading if you wish to know about the elements of Victorian design.

What is the Victorian Style Design?

The designs that emerged during the lifetime of England’s second longest-reigning monarch can, still, be found today. It has influences from the Victorian age as it was very long. There are many recognizable fashions that come under the Victorian style.

For those who don’t know, this period was of prosperity for the British. During this time, they place a high value on ornate details and striking things without sparing expense.

Elements of Victorian Style

Victorian Style is the antithesis of modern décor. The Victorian décor will surely take you to another era. It consists of heavy, ornate furnishings, and oversized everything. This creates a complex, romantic, dramatic, and warm atmosphere.


In Victorian style, dark, and rich jewel tones are used that include blues, golds, deep reds, greens, purples, and black. The color of wood is dark as well. The paneling is dark color along with wooden floors. While the accents are mostly in walnut and mahogany.

Texture and Pattern

When it comes to pattern and texture, it is detailed and heavy. The wallpaper, textiles, and drapery, all should have an intricate texture and pattern.


The furniture used in the Victorian style is heavy as they are oversized. They are mostly, placed closely, yet it creates a fine line between cozy and overcrowded. As far as chairs and sofas are concerned, they are overstuffed yet, comfortable.

Opulence and Warmth

An important thing to keep in mind is that the Victorian style is about rich and heavy. The richer and heavier, the better. Everything placed in your house will add richness and warmth; the marble, rugs and tapestries, fabrics such as velvet and damask; layered window treatments and plush upholstery.

Furthermore, the focus is on the overall coziness and comfort of the room. The ornate details include stained glass, moldings, lancet windows, and carvings.

When it comes to lighting, it is inviting and warm. You can have fireplaces, lamps, sconces, wrought-iron chandeliers, and flickering candlelight.


The Victorian-style includes hefty accessorizing like bowls, assorted ornaments, statues, and lamps. You can find accessories on almost every available surface.

Therefore, the Victorian interior design sounds excellent and looks amazing. It is not the features that are antique only, its wiring, windows, and roof are antique as well. We hope this post provides a better understanding of the Victorian Style.


Categories: Home Decor

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